30 Mart 2012 Cuma

SUM UP: If you sum up something, you give a quick summary of it. | özetlemek, toparlamak, özetlemek gerekirse

 Example: At the end of his lecture, Professor Essberger summed up by repeating some of his main points.

 After he'd summed his ideas up, the speaker said he could answer some questions.

 At the end of your essay, sum up your main argument.

ACCOUNT FOR: EXPLAIN, If you account for something, you explain how it came to be the way it is. / -i açıklamak

 Example: We accounted for last year's higher production costs by showing how the price of labour and raw materials had increased.

 How can we account for the remarkable success of our latest product?

WORK OUT:  To think about a problem or a task and find a solution or a strategy for dealing with it | Anlamaya çalışmak, çözüm üretmek

 Synonym: figure out

 Example: We have to work out a way of promoting our products without spending too much money.

DAWN ON: Dank etmek, anlamak, kavramak

 Example: 1.At first I didn't realise who he was, but then it dawned on me. I was talking to Gerry's husband!
 2. It still hadn't dawned on Jimmy that the guy living next door was a drug dealer. He just thought the guy had lots of friends.

RUN OUT (OF): to become exhausted or used up | Tüketmek

 Example: 1. Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out.
 2. We ran out of fuel.

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